Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Not-So-Scary Crits

Just back from crit group at AB's gorgeous, newly remodeled house. She dressed as Martha Stewart (pearls, no ankle bracelet), SP as Scooter Libby (suit, handcuffs), TC as a creepy monster guy, me as an elf, and GLS as Santa (AKA The Great Man Himself). AB served salad and turkey burgers. TC brought ghost blood and monster snot.

TC and I read from new manuscripts. Overall the feedback on F&M was quite positive; everyone especially liked the two contrasting worlds. Will try many of the ideas offered. There was some suggestion, though, of easing readers in and catering to their comfort zones, but I'm not sure that's the best approach with a gothic fantasy novel. Will think about it as I press on.

SP bailed early to see Halloween IV, which allegedly is the best of the series, at the Alamo Draft House on South Lamar.

On the way over, spotted a Tigger, several fairies, and gave gummy body-parts candy to a doctor who looked all of about six years old.

Spooky News & Link

The ghost has a new trick--opening the downstairs hallway closet, even after it is latched and a weight placed along the base. GLS had a plan--locking it with the key, which for no apparent reason suddenly doesn't work.

See AD replendent as Bunnicula--bahaha!