Sunday, August 29, 2004

Uchi, The Driskill, Ghosts, and My Road Trip To The Pretty Girl Capital Of The World

Extremely impressed by Uchi on South Lamar last night; went on to downtown's most haunted locale The Driskill Hotel. If you want to hear all of its spooky stories, try the Austin Ghost Tours. Wear comfortable shoes.

Greg and I went on the tour last fall with author Brian Yanksy, whose first novel was set in Austin. If you haven't already, read:

MY ROAD TRIP TO THE PRETTY GIRL CAPITAL OF THE WORLD by Brian Yansky (Cricket, 2003). In this journey to the self (and from Iowa to Austin), Simon’s struggling to keep things together. He’s skating the law, recently dumped, and dealing with a dad who just doesn’t understand. Overwhelmed, he hits the road to find his biological parents and roadside wisdom about evil advertisers, scary giants, witches, ETs, friendship, nature/nurture, and, well, pretty girls. One part magic, two parts tall tale, this debut is one to read and remember. Ages 12-up.