Sunday, May 07, 2006

The Sky Is Falling

Well, it was. Actually, it was mostly trees and parts of trees. A series of strong storms have hit Austin, most notably Thursday and Friday nights. At one point we had 70 M.P.H. winds, which split tree trucks all over the city.

That's tornado-force winds, only they were moving straight instead of in a creepy circular motion, which was meager comfort to the big-eyed kitties cowering beneath my bed.

Last I heard BY and FH still didn't have power (along with tens of thousands of others east/central).

Which is of course not to imply that our social lives were affected. GLS and I hosted LL (the George V.,Paris lobster-and-chicken dish) on Friday night and went out with AB (Suzi's North, followed by tea at her place) on Saturday.

We also actually ventured outside Central Austin to the Barton Creek Mall, where I did the ladies-shopping thing at Victoria's Secret, which has become a checkout nightmare. (Do you have our card? No. Do you want our card? No. You don't want to save $100/year? No. Can we have your home phone number? No. You don't want free coupons? No.) I mean, really. From now on, I'm ordering my undies online. I also picked up new headphones for my iPod, and GLS got a couple of pairs of khaki shorts from Foley's.