Monday, April 18, 2005

Cat and Claw

As you may recall, I'm a Catwoman/Batman 'shipper, so yesterday I watched "Cat and Claw," a two-parter from Batman: The Animated Series (1992) on DVD.

Basically, it's a first meeting for Bruce and Selina who face off against each other and together against a terrorist. Very heavy on the gender references, ie., Batman's surprise that Gotham's new cat burgular is a woman and Red Claw's assertion that it would take a woman to beat him.

For those of you not paying attention, Catwoman has her own comic now, is newly a "good guy" (reformed but not declawed), and Batman spends many Gotham nights at her penthouse.

Lament if you will the growing-up of comics, but let's face it. Their love has been brewing longer than Charles and Camilla's, and frankly, the crime fighters seem like they'd be a lot more fun at a dinner party.

My hands-down favorite Catwoman is of course Eartha Kitt, though I acknowledge that Michelle Pfieffer* was great in Tim Burton's 1992 Batman Returns. Loved the outfit.

I refuse to discuss the 2004 Halle Berry film, except to say that it is always a mistake to outright dismiss the core fandom.

*Michelle Pfieffer has actually been in a number of spooky movies; my fave was The Witches of Eastwick (which also starred--sigh--Cher). On the fantasy front, she was in Ladyhawke, and on the kitsch front, she was in Grease 2.