Saturday, January 05, 2008

Roaring for Blogs: Lion Award

Thank you to author Jo Knowles for presenting Cynsations with a Lion Award. According to the Shameless Lions Writing Circle, the award highlights "those people who have blogs we love, can't live without, where we think the writing is good and powerful." Award recipients then give the award to five other bloggers.

In the spirit of the program, my award-winners are: Anneographies (highlighting picture book biographies, day by day on the subjects' birthdays); readergirlz ("celebrating gutsy girlz in life and lit"); The Planet Esme Plan (a book a day anyone?); Poetry for Children (from uber expert Sylvia Vardell); and The Brown Bookshelf Blog (new on the scene and "showcasing the best and brightest voices in African-American Children’s Literature, with a special emphasis on new authors and books that are 'flying under the radar.'")

Read Cynsations interviews with Jo, Anne, Esme, and Sylvia!