Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Sanguini's Logo in Development

I'm fairly loving my final cover art for Tantalize (front and back), complete with glowing blurbs from ACK and LB, both gothic fantasy goddesses and among the writers I admire most. There's also a bat, which is just gloriously Austin-ish. I'll see what I can do to get the whole thing online.

Today I had lunch with GB, who some of you may know from Austin SCBWI and also works at GSD&M (the people who launched the "Don't Mess With Texas" highways litter campaign). We went to Cafe Josie on Sixth to discuss his designing a logo for Sanguini's, the fictional restaurant featured in the upcoming novel. My plan is to create a CafePress shop for fans,, a certain author who really wants a T-shirt.

Beyond that I changed my blog descriptions (see box above and on Cynsations) as each as evolved into a slightly different beast than I'd originally envisioned.