Sunday, October 22, 2006

RAs on the Line

GLS and I joined outgoing Austin SCBWI RA JL and incoming RA TC for a late lunch today at County Line BBQ. Our special guest was EH, who gave the closing presentation. I had the ham and chicken, along with a few beans and potato salad. After lunch, we spent some quality time on the deck, watching the water flow and the ducks and turtles swim by.

This weekend was our annual fall conference, and GLS and I hosted a reception in honor of the speakers. I still have two more VC packets to go on round three, so that's my priority. But I was delighted during EH's talk to realize what one of my E co-protagonists smells like.

Spooky Notes

"Reading? Writing? Who Needs 'em?" talk of the party from CB. Don't miss "Damn Yankees" from VJ See also "Eat, Drink, and Be Merry" from JW on the behind the scenes scene, including party pics. And check out DT's report on "A Successful Fall Conference."

I've mentioned this on Cynsations, but not yet here. Patti, a teen services librarian from Austin is the latest of the bloggers to chime in on my upcoming gothic fantasy YA, Tantalize (Candlewick, February 2007). She writes: "There is murder, love gone awry, distrust and suspicion, menacing foes, were-people and vampires, and more murder. This is a fun read and one that you probably will want to read from cover to cover because it is just that enjoyable and easy to read." I'm especially thrilled that Patti enjoyed the Austin references integrated into the story. Those she mentioned included South Congress and the bats. Read the whole post!