Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Scrumptious Signing

Tonight GLS and I attended the first signing of debut YA fantasy author JW (author interview) at Barnes & Noble Sunset Valley. It was quite the event! JW went all out, offering chocolates, raffle prizes, and a cookie cake to her guests. It was JW's first-ever author signing, and she handled it with great grace and charm. Luminaries in the audience included VJ and JL.

This afternoon I got one scene written on F&M and then, though I had time to try another, found the well dry. The setting for the next one up is particularly impressive, so I did some online research to try to trigger my imagination. GLS suggested an alternative that may accomplish the same goals for the scene without the complication/diversion. On the theory that sometimes the least complicated solution is the most effective, I'm going to try that first.