Saturday, February 26, 2005

Alphabet Soup

You know what I figured out yesterday about the PDA reference?

It would be really annoying to readers. The book is set in Austin and the Austin Police Department is mentioned fairly regularly.

Can you imagine having to read APD and PDA every few pages in a book? Yikes! That's just cruel and unusual.

On the flip side, that perfect place I thought I had to stick in my cut line doesn't flow at all.

It will have to go to the perfect-prose graveyard. RIP.

Also went to lunch yesterday with FH, who may be going by FY from now on, at Katz's. Someone wrote me yesterday and asked if I go to Katz's all the time. Basically, yes.

Comic O The Week: Wonder Woman #213 (moral: never mess with a Amazon in a bustier and kicky boots!). Athena is ruling Mount Olympus. Overdue, I say.