Woke up last night at about three a.m. to scribble down a line that I'd cut from my previous revision (oh! I want it back! I just figured out where else I could put it!) and another line that would nod to today's technology.
I'm sure I'm over-thinking this, but I'm wondering if I add a passing reference to a PDA (as in Palm Pilot, not as in "public display of affection.") whether it will more quickly date the novel.
This is the kind of thing that can drive a person crazy. It's impossible to write a timeless book (unless it's all about mice or something, and even then, don't mice have PDAs these days? note to self: ask KD about the state of mice tech). And theoretically, good present-day fiction will turn into good historical fiction.
But people still mention this as an issue, and though I usually discount it as unrealistic in general, I'm contemplating it in the moment. Sigh.
In other news, Leo has figured out how to turn off the light switch in my office while perched on the desk, so I'm typing this in the dark right now.
Spooky Links
Graphic Novels Resources from the Cooperative Children's Book Center, School of Education, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Subtopics include: reviews in journals; Web sites for reviews; resource books; listserv; vendors; publishers; other resources.
Horror and the Paranormal: a bibliography of recommended books from genrefluent.