Saturday, February 12, 2005

Taboo: Outcasts

I just watched "Taboo: Outcasts" on the National Geographic channel. It was about people either cast from society or who, for some reason, elect to remove themselves from it. For historical context, think: accused witches in Salem or Europe. (Apparently, witches are still banished today in places like Ghuana). It talked about reactions to leprocy and other diseases.

One man was profiled as having radical body modifications to look like a lizard. Apparently, he lived in Austin because it's "a forgiving place to be different." That's true. I like that about Austin.

I'm bummed today because before Greg and I got the flu, we'd been planning to hear author/illustrator Janie Bynum speak at the Austin SCBWI monthly meeting. She moved to Wimberly a few months ago, and I'm delighted she's here.

We will be feeling 100 percent better by Valentine's Day, though. It's required.