Spent last night boiling the cover letter into potential to-do points. Continued on to transfer comments directly onto a fresh printout. Got to about page 183 and decided that wouldn't work. Too messy.
Went to bed at about 10 p.m. and stayed up until 1:30 a.m., repeatedly turning on the nightstand lamp to scribble some thought or another on the revision.
Spent the morning and early afternoon transferring comments onto onto Post-It notes and attaching those to (with apologies to the environment) another fresh copy.
Spent the late afternoon and early evening keying those comments into the to-do list.
Plan to begin cutting first. Took a break to pick up comics and watch "Smallville."
denouement: events following climax of a novel in which resolution or clarification takes place (paraphrasing from dictionary.com; in case your editor mentions it and you're not 100 percent sure what it means).