Monday, March 14, 2005

Fur Face

I resolved not to write at all all day (except blog and email) so that the mss could chill a little until I have lunch with SP tomorrow. This is what happens when a writer doesn't write:
answered email;
had leftover soup from last night;
preblogged cynsations in anticipation of busy-ness over next few days;
updated my site;
sent reminder to my WFers about their 5/1 deadline;
sent cry to League and Texas SCBWI RAs to support library rally at Cap Building;
received ARC of MT in the mail (features story by me, set in same neighborhood as T; nifty);
received thank you note from LW;
talked to Grandma Dorothy (top of QTip got caught in her ear; may have hearing damage; most fretful);
contemplated need for back-up expert to double check a couple of things;
chopped asparagus and made green bean casserole;
settled in to watch Netflix; realized Netflix envelopes were missing; searched through chicken-juicy trash to see if I'd accidentally tossed them; had to shower post search; grabbed nearest towel coming out of shower only to discover it is towel that cats had appropriated; had wet cat fur on face; washed again;
came to blog this spookycyn post.
Tomorrow will be better.