Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Righteous Revision

Only one more VC packet to go! Then I'm going to take a bit of a break and wait until July to do prep for the next res.

Amidst a million other things, I had a chance to go through the scribbled comments on F&M from last night's crit group and apply them to the master copy. Some highlights: "love the parallel to T's life; D is so cunning;" "great turn of events, high drama;" "funny--great movie scene;" "love her formal language; she's doing well;" "M&B seem sufficiently humbled;" "remind me of personal connection;" "go, girl;" "nice D;" "how did he get here? oh, she moved to another room;" "jealous?" "aha, great page-turner;" "I love the letter; it really helps to see it;" "D is a nice addition, helps to see this character. I also like having T and D together earlier. It works!" "great end;" "what does he find?" "does D wonder if T is watching?" "good explanation;" "love this."

Perhaps needless to say this is a much-polished rewrite of a scene they'd read earlier, and in this case I revised to mostly SP's suggestions.

("a million other things:" email, write student evaluation, work out on treadmill (45 minutes), drop off dry cleaning, check P.O. Box, pick up misc. groceries (eggs, pecans, dental floss), mail packet, etc. etc.)

By the way, have I mentioned lately how much I love working with my webdesigner/master LF? She is amazing. If you're on the fence about hiring a pro, trust me, it's worth it and she's the best. I just sent May updates from Cynsations and otherwise, and boom! there they are--quick like a bunny.