I'm sitting in the back row in a session at Texas Book Festival, listening to Walter Dean Myers. I idolize Walter Dean Myers. The man is a living legend. He's an amazing speaker.
I realize right then that I have a major logic problem in a Q/D scene and that if I don't write it down I may forget. Basically D brings up R searching out a real V with Q, which would possibly cue Q that K was right about the Vs, thus throwing her entire intellectual journey off-kilter.
I don't want to think about it right then and there during Walter Dean Myers talk, but I can't forget or else it'll be a lingering problem in the mss and perhaps even the finished novel. Eek!
I very quietly unzip my purse and make a note in pink ink on my left palm. I've missed now about three precious minutes of WDM talk.
I take some comfort in the fact that he would probably understand.