Monday, March 06, 2006

Tantalize Publication Date Moved Up to Spring 2007

Those of you who read Cynsations may recall my recent post that the publication date for Tantalize has been moved up from fall to spring of 2007.

I'm excited, nervous, a jumble of emotions, even though that's still a year away. I can't wait to get that initial glimpse at the cover art concept, which my editor suggested might be within the next month or so. CP does a top-notch job at production--one of the reasons I'm so thrilled to be working with the house.

I'm also feeling a tad more pressure on writing F&M as I'm contemplating a companion book for T, too. No matter, each mss will take the time it takes. I'm pleased with my productivity lately.

Incidentally, on my Spookycyn LJ syndication, BSM (LJ) alludes to a good point about the circumstances surrounding cats sitting on manuscripts to facilitate sales. Note that she says she'll "let" Sugar sit on her manuscript. The opportunity is there, but the decision remains the cat's. Writers are not to plop cats on manuscripts or slip manuscripts under cat beds. This is cheating the magic, which is perilous at best.